If you are dyeing cotton,  the reduction of water, chemicals, dyes and energy equals substantial cost savings.
Dye cycle times are much lower.  You can probably process 5 days production in 4 days or less reducing labor cost and overhead as well
as increasing production capabilities. Dye baths are not liquor ratio sensitive.   No need to dye extra materials just to fill the vessel!

The environment will be less impacted and Municipal waste treatment plants will be much happier with your effluent! 
The dark murky water you have been sending down the drain will be almost clear if you switch to  Cottina !

You have design possibilities that weren't available before!
You can achieve darker shades with extremely good wash and light fastness.
With careful dyestuff selection using conventional cotton and Cottina Cotton 
you can dye colour on Cottina and leave conventional cotton White. 
Using other selected dyestuffs you can dye tone on tone. 

Dyes used for Cottina are conventional dyes that should be available from your usual suppliers.
Remember, Cottina Cotton is 100% cotton
These are not unsubstantiated claims.
This has been verified by independent scientific testing.

Hill Spinning and The TCM Group have the experience and technical knowledge to supply you with the
Cottina Cotton yarns for your application and technical assistance with dyeing. 
We are committed to provide quality yarns and technical support. 

Why as a manufacturer would you want to use
Cottina Cotton instead of conventional cotton?

Hill Spinning
Mark Leonard & Chris Yokeley
Email: hsmill@northstate.net
Telephone (336)472-7908
Cottina Cotton Benefits

Increased production                                    Minimize overstock colors end of season
Simplified dye procedure                             Reduces time and energy plus temperature
Eco-friendly dyeing                                      Excellent shade and color reproduction
Excellent color fastness                               Creative tools for designers
Reduces water required for processing       Quick plant to customer response time   
                          Elimination of salt and alkali reduces dye bath toxicity
                          Maximum dye exhaustion reduces color in the effluent
                          Effective with all liquor ratio Dye Machines  
All Jeans Piece Dyed From Natural Denim Containing Cottina Cotton
Warp With Natural Cotton Fill.
Before and After Dyebath Samples
Before and After Fabric Samples
Fabric 50% Bleached Cotton 50% Cottina
Bleached Cotton Stayed White, Cottina Cotton Dyed Red
Cottina Cotton Benefits